
Introducing The Easiest Reminder, Ever

Everyone has Facebook now-a-days and if you don’t have one, then… I’m sorry. But if you do, I’ve good news for you, you can now make an excuse to use it for productivity rather than procrastination.

Have you been using apps like Google calendar, Kanban boards like Trello or Buckets to organize your life? Yeah, they do well in collaborating with others but in your private domain, do you really need all those clicks just to remind you to that you have a meeting later? If you’re up for shedding those few seconds and those few clicks to use them for tasks that make more impact, I’d like to introduce you to Hello Jarvis.

Hello Jarvis is a Facebook bot that has a simple setup:

  • Tell him where you live so he would know your timezone
  • Then Tell him what he needs to remind you in this format: Remind me (statement) on time&date and press enter.

It’s that easy! I’ve been using it for 2 weeks now and I’ve never had the friction I would usually have for other dedicated scheduling apps since Facebook messenger is very much well integrated with my life, adding another reminder is as easy as just chatting another colleague.

While Kanban boards would usually take me the effort of finding the + for the board, adding the title and then confirming it, Hello Jarvis only needs me to chat and enter; This process effectively reduces a number of mouse movement and clicks, that i could use for something else. If you were to compile all of those seconds, you could’ve save another task you would’ve missed for the day.

After all, productivity considers every second of your time and what you’ve done with it.

In case you want to view all your reminders all you need is type ‘help’ and select the ‘see my reminders’ option, it should present you will all your posted reminders with the option to delete them in case you’ve had a grammatical or detail error in what you’ve sent.

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For business and collaboration, I use Buckets.co for it’s long term and retaining vision with tasks that persists but for personal and quick reminders, you can’t go wrong with Hello Jarvis, it’s a simple A.I. that makes your life as simple as it is.

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