
Recovery is a Long Road

The October 6 Introduction

It’s a holiday and I get to rest right now in preparation of the things to come. I realized I have a lot of things to change in my life, attitudes to shed and personalities to shy away from. I have so many secular wants that I neglect the things I need, and now, I feel the hunger for it.

Ketchuping with my Dad up there

I’ll be honest, this morning I had my small peaceful quiet time, after a really long absence of it, I dont even remember anymore the last time I get to study the Word. So, I know I have a lot of catching up to do with the Man up there. I try, but I guess trying is not enough, I have to impose it to myself: to pursue, desire and crave the relationship I haven’t nurtured for so long.

Hypocrisy starts with secrets

Reflecting on my lifestyle last night and this morning, I noticed how I craved so much for some romance and ’emotional physical contact’ without even having the guts to commit to it, its crazy. It’s like I aspired to work at Starbucks as a janitor. My logic was skewed if I were elaborate the data of my desire. It doesn’t make any sense, and if you knew me, I love talking with a lot of sense, a deeper sense of discussions and topics. So who I am and who I show, doesn’t go in line,  it’s a one huge dosage of hypocrisy and I need to end it. I will not live this example anymore. It’s a war with myself, and I’m glad that before I started this war, I knew what Im fighting for and who’s fighting with me.

I need an aggressive accountability partner, anyone care to volunteer?

Psalm 21:13 Be exalted, O Lord, in your strength we will sing and praise your might.

I really hope I can be one of those graced to be considered as a creation that has exalted Him.

Oh and I’m also looking for a Dgroup.

The Weekend Wonder

Sorry about not being able to put a post for 2 days (weekend excuse), but if I may say something about it now, it’s that nothing will ever replace spending time with those that you see, and see you as family. Having a good meal or physical experience with good friends and familial relationships will create wonders, something that telecommunication and mobile technology can never replace. There’s so much you lose with having to talk to someone over the phone rather than having sitting down on a cafe with them.

Last Saturday, I went out to a buffet with a few friends, namely: Andy, Marty, JT, Marko and Daniella. You can’t even imagine the breathe of fresh air to my week having to go out and having a good meal with good people I don’t meet often. Good friends and good food could easily equate to a short increase to the good vibe I need for a week. So I’m especially thankful to Andy for the invitation even though it was quite expensive(Haha).

Also special mention to my favorite buddies a few weeks back for the invitation, forcing me to go out with them for a coffee escape (I never drank any though, pfft).  Josh,  Tim, I know I sound and look worried or uninterested at that point, but sometimes I don’t know what’s best for me, and I can assure you, you did, at that point and I really needed that break. I immensely appreciate that you guys missed me even when I’m on a stealth lifestyle, our good ‘ol days that we’d get to see each other every week — that is the golden era for me, and your decision to rob me from my strict schedule only brings me back to those good memories and moments. You don’t know how those small words and gestures means so big to a hermit developer.

I’m thankful that I met people like you in my life as you still continue to force your way in even though I don’t seem that open anymore.

Sunday, I got to spend sometime with my family, it was good. I’ve been living alone for a long time now and it gets immensely lonely after too much exposure to solitude. That one day a week to see them, their faces, characteristics, perks and quirks, style just provides the good hint of lime to my mojito — my week was complete and content. I’m happy.

I’m usually available at Saturdays if you guys have anything that I’m welcome to join, please invite me.

Things in Line for this Blog

I have so many things listed in the pending and the draft section that I hope to finish. Articles that I have promised to fellow bloggers, tutorials for aspiring web developer enthusiasts and friends and of course, to me: my personal life and adventures. If you could help remind and push me to write, that would be a great help. I’ll be sure to credit your care.

The following articles are the ones listed as of October 6, 2014 (titles are not exact):

  • Why Computer Gaming has its Advantages over Books (courtesy of P3 Leonardo)
  • The Vaca Frita of Cafe Cubana: Review (or something)
  • How to Develop your Design from the Twentyfourteen Theme of WordPress
  • (Insert something probably about defensive conservative Christians here)

Here’s to a good cheer for my second week of blogging!

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