Woke up today with my throat a little sore, I’m guessing it was because it’s the first time I placed the fan towards me while there was a curtain across my head that wasn’t really moved too much. The air direction might have shuffled the cloth and in turn had some dust moving around, unfortunately my oral crevice is near to suck some in.
It’s not necessarily a bad morning but it certainly not a pleasant start.
Adding to this, I’m quite sure I had a sad dream but I couldn’t recall what happened, but it troubles me up till now. Strange, I’ve been waking up to so much negative vibes lately. Its quite disappointing that I couldn’t recall what it is to get it off my shoulder.
Shifting to the bright side, if things go according to plan I hope to post an article about a challenge a friend asked me to write about soon and a whole lot more, probably more about philosophy though. Hopefully soon, I will be inspired and be able to write a tutorial instead.