
Converting your WordPress to HTTPS

Recently we’ve been shifting some of our WordPress websites to https for security and rankings. Maybe to some it might sound like a daunting task to create the shift of a whole site, but do not fear, we’ve discovered that it can be done with 3 easy steps!

That is after you’ve bought an SSL certificate from a supplier, which shouldn’t be hard, it just comes at a cost.

1) Download the SSL Insecure Content Fixer plugin – This would help you kill the task of shifting most of the images under post and pages generated via the WordPress loop to shift their source from the default http to https

2) Set “Site Address” and “WordPress Address” characters before the colon to “https” instead of “http” – WordPress does the magic for you, inside the dashboard under settings > general, you only need to change two items in its options and your site shifts to be https secure!

3) Add .htaccess fail-safe script – Look for your .htaccess file and place the following script above it to ensure force redirection of all your past, present and future visitors to be at https even when they type http

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.domain.com/$1 [R,L]

Be sure to replace domain.com with your site’s!

Extra: It would also be helpful to double check your code for your header.php and page templates that are manually developed to shift them to https, text editor such as notepad++ and atom have a search and replace all function to do this task easier for you. These items also include background images written in your CSS files.

There you have it, those are the three plus one step we do to convert our site into https secure. If you have an alternative or better method, please do elaborate in the comment section below, I would love to know more optimized steps to make the shift faster!

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