I do not live only to enhance your image. I am of my own will and purpose, I may be part of you but you are definitely only a part of me as well.
It’s great to have someone you can be with in the good times. It’s easy to find those kinds of people actually, a lot of people could fit in that category. What I need from you is to be more than the ordinary, the one in a thousand if not millions: Someone who takes the effort and relationship as personal, more than an accessory. Someone who notices when I need you, need you to listen and empathize.
Yeah, when push comes to shove, it’s easy to blame everything and everyone around me for what I’ve become: Bad friends, bad circumstance, bad use of time. All can and will be blamed… except you. Isn’t that strange considering you had my time?
If you haven’t invested enough conscious effort on me beyond the ordinary, do not expect me to take your words with value. I may process it with the mind but to invest on your knowledge is not enough to consider as wisdom to heart.
Trophy’s do not love, I do. What you want is an inaminate object that glorifies the past, I am what’s going to build your future.
If you’d only understand the way I love, it would’ve been easier to appreciate you.