This is a time of my life where I force myself to improve: with people, with authority and especially with God. I try as much to recognise the good things to Him, I deliver my prayer immediately as opposed to summarasing them at night and take the initiative to make as much daily reading as possible.
Yesterday and up till now, I have a gut wrenching stomach pain. I couldn’t move much unless I force or endure the pain, so I wasn’t as mobile as I should’ve been in the office. I couldn’t sleep well and I frequently had to curl into a ball (Ladies, I just might have an idea now.) Being in the operation and the caretaker of things of the office, I had two things bothering me: How the hell am I supposed to eat and how do I withdraw money for the aircon cleaners tomorrow?
It wasn’t to the point of paranoia as I had a lot of things I attend to in the day, but when almost office hours is done, I was still left with the same question without an answer. I wasn’t able to go out due to the cramps, both for food and money.
Lo and behold, two solutions happened before I realised that are out of the bounds of my ability: My mother opted to buy dinner for me (Thanks mom!) with my lil’ sis’ pity. Not only that but the meal is enough for the day tomorrow! I was thankful, really thankful to survive the night but another thing went under my nose, while I was chomping down the chicken, I noticed a huge stack of bills by my left, I sat there thinking what to do with it never observing how my problems we’re finished.
The story is this: Last Monday I over paid a teammate via online, I accidentally transferred the salary of another into her account doubling her earnings for the month. After informing her of my blunder, with goodwill and respect she returned the amount in full by cash. I disliked cash form since it’s more prone to be spent than saved but hey, it’s not like these aircon workers would take credit for cleaning right? This was done at the end of the office time so I wasn’t able to process it as long as it should, but after having the epiphany at 11:30pm, you can hear me screaming with joy, it was great!
You know all these sounds small in letters, I know. As I type this I’m chuckling. But again, the small things matter and I would like to give credit on where it is due. The orchestration was so suave that I wouldn’t credit it to chance or luck, I’m cared for and I choose to see it that way.