Day 33 of Awareness: Core Foundation

Life has been feeding us knowledge in this information age on a rate we struggle to comprehend. We’ve gotten so focused about growth that have you ever wondered where and if you’re rooted on something to start with?

A lot of people struggle with identity, priority and future because we have become so obsessed of fluid concepts. As time passes and discoveries progress, we see more of the grays and we’re mesmerized by each ideas. Knowing is not acceptance and acceptance is not based from others.

Now, why is this bad? Because if we become so entranced to following a moving trend you will never get a chance to  create a firm strong foundation to flourish on. You need to decide where to take heart, welcome and base your decision and future on.

“Kevin I didn’t understand a single thing you wrote.”

Think of this as an example, have you ever decided an order of priority between these topics:

  • Faith
  • Health
  • Finance
  • Family
  • Friends

I for one thought that was my hierarchy of importance. But intention that does not translate into action is nothing. After observing the results; on which one time is invested the most, sad to say it would look more like this:

  • Finance
  • Health
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Faith

Now, it is impossible to state that all is equal: There is no such thing.If given the choice to pick which one to choose, you will have to decide to sacrifice one over the other, else you will lose both. I am not against any combination as it’s for each one of us to determine what is good for our lives but if you’re failing on your own conviction, what is there to keep you from making a “wrong” choice? It’s easy to forgive a mistake against something that you belittle or find no concern to, but if it’s something you value it becomes a different story altogether.

Get Grounded

You have to determine what’s right to be able to tell what’s wrong. There has to come a point that you have to draw a line on where to believe in; knowledge, reasoning and community has empowered and defended clashing opinions of perspectives in our age. While it is possible to be a pacifist, rest assured that when you do take that path, growth won’t be on top of your priority and this message is not at all for you.

If you plan to grow, to grow someone and to go a mile than float in circles: choose your core values which you nourish by finding like minded people and a community that will empower you. That way your motion won’t be determined but random ripples in this life but a wave to push you on where you will or have set your heart on.


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